Making an Old Building a Historical Landmark

Historic LandmarkDear Donia,
How do I get my old elementary school building turned into a historical landmark?

Q. Dear Donia,

The elementary school in my hometown is in jeopardy of being torn down. It is over 50 years old, however, the structure itself is in pretty good condition. I am seeking advice on how to assist the local alumni association of the school to work towards having it "tagged" or labeled as a historical landmark and be used as a viable resource in the community. Any assistance or guidance that you can provide would be most helpful. Thank you, Gloria   

A. Dear Gloria,

Historic buildings are not my specialty but I do know where you can find more information on how to begin saving your building. The first place that I would contact for what you can do is the Georgia State Historic Preservation Division. They would be your most helpful resource for you starting out as they will be able to help navigate your state resources and let you know how good of a chance you may have in saving the building. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has a great program called "This Place Matters" and the National Park Service operate the National Register of Historic Places. Both would give you a good idea of another route to take in trying to save the building. 

Thank you for asking Dear Donia, and all the best of luck with saving your school!