Hanging Certificates on Exterior Walls

Dear Donia,
Is it safe to hang professional certificates on an exterior wall?

Hanging certificates

Q. Dear Donia,

Is it safe to hang professional certificates on an exterior wall? Thanks, Moises

A. Dear Moises,

Good question! We usually do not recommend hanging items on exterior walls because of the risk of condensation leading to mold growth. 

If you are thoughtful about your framing you should be able to hang your professional certificates on an exterior wall. First, be sure that there is a good layer of buffering in the back. A thin piece of chip board will not be sufficient. You should at least use corrugated cardboard and preferably acid-free if you can. Then, seal the back of the frame with framing tape to prevent moisture from getting in at the edges. Finally, use bumpons to hold the frame away from the wall a little bit thus providing air flow to discourage condensation and mold.

Hope this helps!