Removing Sticky Back Board from Embroidery

Dear Donia,

How do I remove a sticky back board from a piece of embroidery?


Q. Dear Donia,

How can I safely remove a sticky back board from a 65-plus large piece of embroidery? Thanks, Nadine

A. Dear Nadine,

Regardless of the age (and size) of the embroidery, removing it  from a sticky back board will be very delicate work. Without being able to see the piece in person, this is work that should be left to a conservator. 
You are lucky to be in an area that has a lot of very capable paper conservators. To find a good fit for you, you can start at the American Institute for Conservation's Find a Conservator page. Fill in the Search Criteria boxes for a 100 mile radius and textiles and you will find a conservator in New Orleans who can help you with your large piece of embroidery.  
Thank you for asking "Dear Donia", and please don't hesitate to contact us again if you have any further questions.