YALSA Award Committee Oversight

Function: To ensure efficient functioning of YALSA's award committees. To advise committee chairs on recommended procedures for committee operations based on a thorough knowledge of YALSA policy, committee operation, background, and experience. To collect, analyze and respond to quarterly chair reports.  To summarize, analyze and evaluate periodically for the YALSA Board the progress and concerns of the award committees. To facilitate communication among award committees and to identify common areas of concern and identify solutions. To coordinate training and orientation for in-coming committee members.  To note particular abilities of committee members in the work of the organization and to share this information with the Board and nominating committees. 5 to 7 virtual members, including the chair, as well as a designated liaison from the O&B Committee.  Term commencing February 1  through January 31.


Committee Size:  5 - 7 virtual members, including at least two members from the previous year.


Type: Standing

Date of Establishment

Date of Completion: Continuing


  • Current membership in YALSA
  • In order to accomplish work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of digital tools, including but not limited to wikis, e-chats and ALA Connect.
  • Thorough knowledge of YALSA’s products and services
  • Thorough knowledge of YALSA membership structure, dues rates, etc.
  • Strong marketing skills
  • Good interpersonal skills

For information on the responsibilities of committee/jury/taskforce members, visit YALSA's Handbook

Term: 1 year, commencing after Midwinter and ending after Midwinter.


Staff Liaison: Letitia Smith