Popular Resources in ALA Collections

This page is meant to act as a guide to ALA staff for resources in the ALA Library Collection that relate to popular topics in the library field. This compilation differs from LibGuides publicly available on the ALA website in that they focus particularly on what is available to ALA staff within the library holdings. The types of resources include both physical books and eBooks in the library collection as well as journal articles, blog posts, podcasts and videos created by ALA divisions and offices. Materials will continue to be added to this page as new items are published so that resources can remain up to date. New topics will also be added in the near future. If you have any questions about materials or know of materials published by your division or office that may fit into these categories please contact Hannah Weinberg at hweinberg@ala.org

Topics Covered Include

- Access and Usability 

- Broadband Accessibility and Internet Use in Libraries 

- Collection Development 

- Copyright and Libraries 

- Disaster Preparedness and Library Safety 

- Equity in Librarianship

- Library Planning, Design and Architecture 

- Library Programming