LITA Manual

LITA Manual Section 1 Bylaws
LITA Bylaws Adopted 1966. Revised 1968, 1975, 1976, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998

LITA Manual Section 2 Officers & Board Duties
Describes the duties and responsibilities of LITA Officers and Board members.

LITA Manual Section 3 Nominations
LITA Nominating Committee is an administrative committee appointed by the Vice-President/President-Elect, and approved by the LITA Board of Directors. The committee consists of three LITA members, including insofar as possible one from an administrative

LITA Manual Section 4 Committees
There are two types of committees in LITA: standing committees and special or ad hoc committees. Task forces are sometimes established, but these are treated as ad hoc committees

LITA Manual Section 5 Committee and Interest Group Chairs Cal
LITA calendar for basic schedule of meetings for Committees and Interest Groups. This calendar will cover Annual and Midwinter.

LITA Manual Section 6 Interest Groups
LITA established procedures for the formation of interest groups in 1985, to facilitate a more efficient and effective response to its members' interest in and involvement with new library technologies (see LITA Bylaws, Article VIII).

LITA Manual Section 7 Publications and Publishing
The Publications Committee represents the publishing interests and concerns of all committees and interest groups of the division. It proposes and recommends division-wide publication policies to the LITA Board, and it advises and guides the editorial p

LITA Manual Section 8 Awards Procedures

LITA Manual Section 9 Business Meetings at ALA Conferences
LITA scheduling of business meetings for board, committees and interest groups.

LITA Manual Section 10 Programs at ALA Conferences
LITA has developed a set of procedures, including timelines, forms, and review criteria which must be followed. In addition, LITA has established a Program Planning Committee to approve, schedule, and coordinate the programs of all units in LITA.

LITA Manual Section 11 Institutes Preconferences and Special
LITA supports the efforts of its committees to provide preconferences and regional institutes. A program proposal must be submitted to the Program Planning Committee for a preconference or to the Regional Institutes Committee for institutes. Approved pr

LITA Manual Section 12 Policies
Units will forward draft surveys or questionnaires to the LITA Executive Director. The Executive Director checks the content against past surveys to avoid duplication. The ALA Office for Research reviews the document and make suggestions for needed revi

LITA Manual Section 13: Liaisons from LITA to Other Groups
A liaison from LITA to another group may be appointed to communicate LITA interests held in common with the other group, and to advise LITA regarding activities of the other group that might have implications for LITA programs, publications or organizat

LITA Manual Section 14 Legislative Policy and Guide to Action
This document includes in brief: legislative policy statement for the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA); the rational behind that policy; means by which it can be implemented; a general guide to legislative action by LITA; and a list

LITA Manual Appendix A Forms
LITA Forms: Appointment, Program Proposals, Conference Program Request, etc.

LITA Manual Index
LITA Manual Index.