Free Professional Development Opportunities

Photo of man at a table smiling

Looking for learning on a budget? ACRL offers a variety of free, high-quality professional development options including ACRL Presents webcasts, online discussion forums, and the ACRL-Choice webinar program. Check out our current learning opportunities below.

Photo of hand on a keyboard overlayed with ACRL Presents logo

ACRL Presents Webcasts

The ACRL Presents program offers free occasional webcasts on issues of broad interest and importance to the academic and research library community. Check back often for upcoming live sessions, or browse our archived recordings.

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Illustration of a monitor with chat bubbles

Online Discussion Forums

ACRL Online Discussion Forums are free events offered by ACRL membership units on a wide variety of topics. Check out our upcoming offerings!

Learn more!

Photo of a library overlayed with CHOICE logo


The ACRL-CHOICE webinar program connects academic and research librarians with a host of content and service providers, publishers, authors, and other experts to discuss timely and relevant topics pertinent to the library community at large. ACRL-CHOICE webinars are a paid sponsorship opportunity. The products, services, and opinions presented do not constitute endorsement by Choice, ACRL, or ALA.

Learn more!

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ACRL On YouTube

The ACRL YouTube channel features a wide variety of free, on-demand recordings of professional development programs including ACRL Together Wherever sessions, our COVID-19 webinar series, ACRL Present webcasts, section professional development presentations, and more.

Watch on demand!

These professional development programs are provided as a free resource to the academic library community. Your donation to the ACRL Advancement Fund, which supports initiatives that strengthen ACRL’s influence in higher education and its ability to create diverse and inclusive communities in the association and the profession, allows ACRL to continue providing these important resources at no cost.

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