SRRT Resolutions 1990: Resolution on Guidelines for Librarians Interacting with South Africa

Resolution on Guidelines for Librarians Interacting with South Africa

Adopted at 1990 Annual Conference

WHEREAS: The government of South Africa has not yet dismantled the apartheid system; and

WHEREAS: The Mass Democratic Movement within South Africa has been greatly encouraged by economic sanctions and the academic, cultural, and sports boycotts; and

WHEREAS: The Mass Democratic Movement and the African National Congress have recently called for increased sanctions to speed the process of negotiations; and

WHEREAS: The Mass Democratic Movement and the African National Congress have modified the academic and cultural boycott, calling for a selective boycott aimed at the government and all other apartheid institutions; and

WHEREAS: American libraries have in the past given equal importance to the First Amendment right of freedom of expression, and to the Fourteenth Amendment legal end to racial discrimination;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the membership of the American Library Association endorse the Guidelines for Librarians Interacting with South Africa as attached [see SRRT Newsletter Sept. 1989, pp. 7-9].

SRRT Newsletter Issue 97, p. 3