ALA & Council Committee Chair Meeting Guidelines

One month prior to a midwinter or annual conference meeting

  1. Review “Planning and Agenda DesignPodcast #2 and Tip Sheet #2, “Roles of the Meeting ChairPodcast #3 and Tip Sheet #3, and “Avoiding Chaotic, Adversarial & Aimless MeetingsPodcast #4 and Tip Sheet #4.
  2. Draft the meeting agenda with meeting date, time and location and amount of time necessary for each agenda item.
  3. E-mail (or use ALA Connect) to disseminate the meeting agenda and other relevant documents to Committee members with a copy to the Committee Staff Liaison (or ALA Division office).
  4. Recruit a Committee Intern or volunteer to take meeting minutes.
  5. Establish deadlines for sending minutes to Committee members and submitting the final version to your Staff Liaison.  Meeting minutes should be posted to ALA Connect no later than two weeks after the meeting.

One week prior to a midwinter or annual conference meeting

  1. Prepare, gather and pack necessary meeting supplies:
    1. Business cards
    2. A small office kit containing (sharpies, paperclips, pens, paper, etc) to support the meeting.
    3. Committee member sign-in sheet with name, institution and e-mail address. An example sign in sheet is available from “Making the Meeting” for your reference.
    4. Print additional copies of relevant documents (anticipate possible visitors).  Your Committee’s Staff Liaison may also be able to assist with this task.
    5. Print additional copies of the agenda. Your Committee’s Staff Liaison may also be able to assist with this task.
    6. Print a current list of Committee members (updated rosters are listed on the ALA Website at
    7. Prepare a template for recording meeting minutes.
  2. Review resources and tips to ensure a productive meeting:
    1. Review “Mini-scripts” fromAvoiding Chaotic, Adversarial & Aimless MeetingsTip Sheet #4
    2.  Brush up on “Rules of Order and Minutes: Key Points” available from Podcast #5 and Tip Sheet #5

The day of the conference meeting

  1. If possible, check the room 30-minutes before the meeting to ensure sufficient seating, water glasses, etc.
  2. Check A/V to ensure operating correctly; contact Staff Liaison if there are any issues.
  3. Identify the location of the nearest rest room.
  4. If time permits, schedule a brief meeting with the Committee Intern to encourage active participation, including sharing ideas, taking meeting minutes, drafting reports, etc.

The beginning of the conference meeting

  1. Review “Making the Meeting” resources at as needed.
  2. Address any comfort issues (sight, hearing, wheelchair access, temperature, etc.).
  3. Greet/welcome Committee members and visitors as they enter the room.
  4. Begin the meeting on time and start with a statement that welcomes participants.
  5. Request that attendees turn off mobile devices.
  6. Ensure that Committee members have the necessary materials/documents.
  7. Ask that everyone complete the sign-in sheet.
  8. Ask each attendee to make a personal introduction (name and institution).
  9. Establish the ground rules (raise hand to speak, keep comments brief, allow others to talk, etc.).
  10. Review the charge of the Committee and meeting agenda.
  11. Acknowledge Committee members who have made significant contributions since the last meeting.

During the conference meeting

  1. Monitor the progress of agenda items so that there is ample time to address each discussion item.
  2. Ensure all Committee members have an opportunity to speak/participate.
  3. Create a Committee “To Do List” of any new projects and tasks; include names of Committee members responsible for the projects and agreed upon deadlines.
  4. Keep on track by summarizing key issues and assisting with brainstorming.
  5. At the conclusion of the meeting, ask the minute taker to review all action items and reconfirm committee agreement on items of discussion.
  6. Summarize progress and accomplishments and conclude with a positive comment.
  7. Announce the date and time of the next meeting if known.

After the conference

  1. Send e-mails to any guests/visitors to thank them for attending within a few weeks of the meeting.  Include information about the Committee (charge, projects, upcoming activities), your ALA Unit, your contact information, and encourage the guest to consider submitting a Committee volunteer application during the next application cycle. Contact the Committee Intern or member responsible for minutes; confirm deadlines for e-mailing minutes to Committee members, revisions, and final version to Staff Liaison.
  2. Publish the minutes to ALA Connect with a copy to your Staff Liaison.
  3. Submit any reimbursement requests to your Staff Liaison.

Between conference meetings and virtual meetings

  1. Communicate progress on Committee projects on a monthly basis.
  2. Monitor your “To Do List,” following up on project deadlines.
  3. Schedule ongoing virtual meetings as needed:
    1. ALA Staff Liaisons can assist with scheduling and hosting virtual meetings.
    2. Establish virtual meeting dates in advance.
    3. Provide an agenda, supportive materials, and meeting login information two weeks prior to each meeting.


Tips and Podcasts from “Making the Meeting: Resources for Conducting Effective Meetings” by ALA Parliamentarian, Eli Mina. Please note these resources are only accessible to current ALA members - log-in required.