ERP chair planning tools

  • Site visit planning worksheet (docx) - Worksheet for evidence gathering, planning, and scheduling the review visit. This is meant to be a working document to share with both the program and the panel throughout the process of organizing the visit. Use in conjunction with the site visit schedule template.
  • Site visit schedule template (docx) - This is a working document for you (in consultation with the panel) and the program to use to plan the schedule for the site visit. Please plan to share this with the Program and the Director of the Office for Accreditation in advance of the conference call to discuss the Draft Self-Study. Use in conjunction with the worksheet for evidence gathering.
  • ERP chair communication guide (docx) - This includes details on using TelSpan for ERP conference calls.
  • Sample initial email to ERP (docx) - This is an example of an introductory email from the Chair to the panel via the listserv. Thanks to Marilyn Irwin for allowing us to share.
  • Standards assignment chart (docx) - To keep track of which panelists are assigned to which standards.
  • Sample ERP chair email to Panel regarding review of draft SS (docx) - Communication to panel regarding review of draft Self-Study. You may wish to adapt this for your panel. Thanks to Diane Barlow for allowing us to share.
  • ERP report sample timeline (docx) - ERP Report assignments sample timeline.
  • Zip file containing all the files listed above.