Emerging Leaders 2011 Team N - About the Project

Project Details

Project Host: Library Leadership and Management Association

"The mission of the Library Leadership and Management Association is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders, and to develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices."

(Library Leadership and Management Association. (2010) About LLAMA. Retrieved from: (http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/llama/about/index.cfm).

 LLAMA's 3-Year-Initiative:

LLAMA is planning a multi-year initiative that will span the course of three separate and distinct Emerging Leader groups. The project will be mentored by LLAMA President-Elect Janine Golden. Staff liaison is Kerry Ward.  

LLAMA states the expected outcomes for the project will be as follows:

The three projects are planned to coincide with Dr. Golden’s progression from president-elect to president to past-president.  The projects will culminate in new strategies for LIS student recruitment and greater collaboration with LIS schools, one of the main goals Dr. Golden has for her presidency. 


Project Mission and Summary 

Phase One:

The mission of LLAMA’s first phase for the project is to gather information on current LIS/MLIS graduate courses based in library management and leadership.  The data will reflect the location and frequency, as well as the instructor and contact information for each ALA-accredited institution. 

With the obtained date the group will ascertain, via a survey, the instructor(s) knowledge and or promotion of LLAMA and if LLAMA can provide any substantial quality or quantity of information about itself that would benefit the fruition of students who have an interest in this particular division of ALA.


Our Focus:

To understand the quality and quantity of LLAMA promotion by professors in ALA-accredited LIS management and leadership courses.



As the first phase in a three year LLAMA Emerging Leader project we found that many LIS management professors were unaware of the benefits of LLAMA membership - including connections between critical topics in management courses and the LLAMA mission. The information gained through this survey will lead to new strategies for LIS student recruitment and greater collaboration with LIS faculty and administration.