About the Research Committee and Forum

Committee Charge

Investigate and propose ways for education and behavioral science librarians to share ideas about new directions in education and behavioral science librarianship, research in progress or recently completed, and other current topics of interest; plan and hold research-related forums for ALA conferences.

About the EBSS Research Committee

The EBSS Research Committee is dedicated to advancing inquiry and innovation in education, behavioral, and social sciences librarianship, primarily through facilitating an annual research forum through which academic librarians can share and discuss their current research.

The EBSS Research Forum

The EBSS Research forum promotes an evidence-based approach to education, behavioral and social sciences librarianship by highlighting a diverse range of research projects designed to advance librarianship in the field. Historically, the forum took place during the ALA Annual Conference. In 2019, the forum moved to an online format for the first time, and continues to be conducted virtually to allow for greater participation by presenters and attendees. Participation in the forum offers presenters an opportunity to share their work in a peer-reviewed venue and receive feedback from the ACRL community.

Previous EBSS Research Forum Presentations (abstracts, recordings, etc.)

EBSS Research Forum History

The EBSS Research Forum began at the request of the representative from the United States Department of Education and ERIC, Christine Dunn, and others. The first meeting, held at the ALA Midwinter meeting in Boston (January 13, 2005), was "an effort to explore the development of a national network of education resources, information and services." More information ...