Curriculum Materials Center Collection Development Policy, 2nd edition





Second Edition


Developed by

Two Joint Subcommittees of the

Problems of Access and Control of Education Materials Committee,

Beth G. Anderson, Chair,


Curriculum Materials Committee,

Virginia Nordstrom, Chair,

of the

Education and Behavioral Sciences Section

Association of College and Research Libraries

American Library Association




Karin Duran, Chair Allison G. Kaplan, Chair

Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Ad Hoc Subcommittee for

Collection Development Curriculum Materials

Policies Sources





Permission is given for the reproduction or use of all or part of this document in the creation of an individual Curriculum Materials Center collection development policy.


ISBN 0-8389-7707-3

Copyright 1993 by the American Library Association. All rights reserved

except those which may be granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the

Copyright Revision Act of 1976.




Model Policy

I. Introduction

Objectives--Institutional Context--Supporting Documents

II. Clientele

Definition--Exclusion--Categories--Loan Restrictions

III. Scope and Boundary

Collection Guidelines--Collection Formats

IV. Selection Criteria

General Criteria--Sample Specific Criteria

V. Selection Processes

Examination of the Item--Consultation of Selection

Sources--Sample Core List of Selection Sources

VI. Collection Maintenance and Evaluation

Weeding--Replacement--Gifts--Collection Evaluation


Appendixes: Sample Policies

A. State University of New York at Binghamton

B. University of North Carolina at Charlotte




The members of the Problems of Access and Control of Education Materials Committee and the Curriculum Materials Committee of the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section of ACRL have frequently engaged in joint projects to discover and share the processes and procedures by which curriculum collections and services in academic institutions might be fostered, maintained and enhanced at levels appropriate to the importance of the support a curriculum collection lends in the preparation and education of teachers. Educational trends, budget allocations, resource and facilities management, and technology have all influenced the growing need for planning, organization, and implementation of quality collection development polices for curriculum collections.

This second edition attempts to address long standing collection development policy needs while also introducing fresh areas of interest such as new technologies and collection evaluation. Section V: Selection Processes has been totally rewritten and updated. An additional new feature in this edition is the inclusion of sample collection development policies that provide examples of policies developed using the Committees' earlier publication as a guide. These policies follow the basic structure suggested in the first edition while demonstrating unique responses to local environ-ments and needs.

The term CMC will be used in this document to signify any number of terms which have been used to describe a curriculum materials collection, such as curriculum materials center/library/laboratory or instructional materials/media center. Examples of the different ways CMCs are organized are to be found in the ACRL Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers 1990.

As the squeeze of inflation tightens, collection development and selection of materials become more challenging. Concomitantly, as the production of materials in all formats increases, the importance of judicious selection to ensure a quality collection in support of the curriculum also increases. In order to improve the selection process, there is a need to pinpoint specific goals and find materials to meet these goals.

Collection development and selection of materials should be based on a sound, written policy which relates selection of instructional materials to methods of instruction and courses. It should also relate the development of the CMC to the library, and should respond to changes in the curriculum, meeting resource requirements as new programs are introduced. Since the curriculum center and its instructional materials support an academic program which is often in a state of experimentation and modification, the CMC should regularly review its collection development policy to stay abreast of change.

The committees named above have drafted this revised model collection development policy, in modified outline format, to help CMC librarians define their own collection development programs, and to provide guidance to personnel employed in these centers for building and maintaining their materials and equipment collections. This outline is meant to be a model upon which to base individual institutional policies, one which could be adapted by any higher education institution to meet local needs. Therefore, the following policy is quite broad and inclusive in order to accommodate all types of curriculum centers. Local policy may dictate more or less specificity, and may require more prescriptive language than is used in this model.

It is our belief that a clearly defined process of collection development can be used not only to support budget requests, but also to serve as a means of informing faculty, administrators, accrediting agencies, and other interested parties of the commitment the CMC has made to a unified selection and re-evaluation process. The collection development policy produced by each curriculum library also serves as a document that can be presented to patrons and staff for their further understanding of the purposes and standards which guide the selection of the various types of media.

The model provided herein should be of keen interest to administrators and faculty of schools of education. Methods of instruction used and taught in many of these schools have become highly resource-based. A CMC attempting to provide the rich variety of media necessary to support resource-based educational pedagogy may require additional institutional support. An explicit CMC collection development policy can unite librarians and faculty in the effort to increase institutional support of their ultimate goal: high quality education of tomorrow's teachers.

It is the sincere hope of the contributing curriculum librarians that this second edition provides useful, practical guidance and information in the development and operation of curriculum materials collections. Further assistance in this endeavor is warmly welcomed, and may be directed to either of the standing committees: Curriculum Materials or Problems of Access and Control of Education Materials.







The following individuals contributed to the creation of the second edition of the Curriculum Materials Center Collection Development Policy:

Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Ad Hoc Subcommittee for

Collection Development Policies Curriculum Materials Sources

Jill Althage Bee Gallegos

Beth Anderson Allison G. Kaplan, Chair

Mary Alice Baish Sue Kopp

Mary Ellen Collins Janet Lawrence

Karin Duran, Chair Rolland McGiverin

Lynne Hambric Elizabeth Nibley

Patricia Libutti Virginia Nordstrom

Prue Stelling Helga Visscher

Kay Tavill Marlys Youngck

Judith A. Walker



Model Policy


I. Introduction


A. Objectives

1. The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) supports the education curriculum of the college/university, particularly the methods and practicum courses, and those children's and young adult literature courses taught at the institution.

2. The CMC makes readily available for inspection, evaluation,and use, educational materials of the highest quality produced for use with children from preschool through grade twelve, and adult basic education materials when appropriate to the curriculum.

3. Priority is given to materials which most directly support course work preparing students to meet requirements of education degrees and credentials.

4. The CMC may also provide patrons with materials relating to the teaching profession, for personal and staff development.


B. Institutional Context


1. The CMC collection development policy is coordinated with the main library's collection development policy and mission of service.

2. Curriculum materials come in a variety of formats which may be different from other research and academic library materials, and they may be acquired from different sources.

3. Their placement in a CMC may allow staff to render specialized processing, shelving, reference, and circulation services.


C. Supporting Documents

1. As part of its philosophy of collection development, the CMC supports the following statements from the American Library Association:

a. Library Bill of Rights

b. Intellectual Freedom Statement

c. Code of Ethics

d. Freedom to Read Statement

2. The CMC also supports The Student's Right to Read statement from The National Council of Teachers of English.

3. In the spirit of these documents, reasonable efforts will be made to locate materials elsewhere for patrons and to recommend additional sources of information when the center's collection does not provide the needed resources.


II. Clientele


A. Definition

The clientele or service population should be the same as that of the rest of the library system. Circulation policies may differ according to the category of the user. See Sections C and D below.


B. Exclusion

Although the CMC contains material suitable for children, it is part of an institution of higher education and, as such, is to be used by adults.


C. Categories

Clientele categories are listed in no order of preference.

1. Campus-based patrons:

a. Education students, both graduate and undergraduate

b. Non-education students, both graduate and undergraduate

c. Full and part-time faculty and staff in all academic departments.

2. Consortium patrons: patrons who do not fall into the above categories, such as interlibrary loan borrowers, and walk-in members of networks, cooperatives, etc.

3. Other library card patrons:

a. Local school teachers who do not fall under the above categories

b. Members of the general public with an interest in the collection.


D. Loan Restrictions

1. Circulation policies for each category of client may vary.

2. Excluding actual loan, CMC materials and reference services are available to anyone.

3. Informational needs will be honored whether a person is a legal user or not.


III. Scope and Boundary


A. Collection Guidelines

1. Curricular level and subject treatment

a. The CMC collection contains media and resources appropriate for pre-school through secondary education and adult education.

b. College level textbooks are not collected.

c. Reading, language arts, spelling, handwriting, literature, foreign languages, music, science, health, mathematics, social studies, career education, special education, adult education, bilingual education, and multicultural education are examples of subject areas included in the collection.

2. Languages: the primary language of material in the collection is English, although materials used to teach foreign languages or in bilingual/multicultural environments are also included.

3. Chronology: emphasis is on teaching materials of current significance, although some older items of historical or research value may be kept.

4. Geographical Guidelines

a. Educational methods and approaches used in the United States are emphasized in the CMC collection.

b. The curriculum librarian may want to consider selecting materials issued or published by the state education agency and area school systems.

c. Materials from other states and countries may be selectively collected.

5. Cultural Diversity: collection materials should reflect cultural diversity and promote respect and appreciation for specific cultures and the global community.


B. Collection Formats

1. Textbooks

a. Textbooks in all curricular subjects, grades kindergarten through twelve, may be selected.

b. If texts are adopted by local schools they may be acquired comprehensively, while other exemplary texts may be collected selectively.

c. Emphasis in the textbook collection is on materials published within the last ten years, although some older texts may be kept for research value.

2. Curriculum guides: preschool through twelfth-grade curriculum guides from the state, regional, and national level may be collected selectively, while local ones may be acquired comprehensively.

3. Juvenile literature

a. Books appropriate for the preschool child through young adult may be located in the collection.

b. Award winners, honor books, and notable books may be collected comprehensively.

c. Other examples of literature located in the collection include children's classics, beginning-to-read books, picture books, wordless picture books, folk literature, mythology, modern fantasy, poetry, realistic fiction, historical fiction and selected children's magazines.

d. Factual works may also be acquired, including biographies, autobiographies, and representative works in a variety of information areas.

e. Support and emphasis should be provided for regional curricular focuses.

4. Professional literature

a. A core collection which supports other materials in the CMC collection may be acquired, or may be part of the library's general education collection.

b. Examples include:

(1) Idea and activity books

(2) Sources about children's and young adult literature

(3) Selected teaching methods books

(4) Books which teach students how to write behavioral objectives and prepare lesson plans.

c. Books about educational research, theory, or history are not usually located in the CMC, but in the institution's education or general collection.

5. Reference collection

a. The newest editions of reference sources which are related to other materials in the CMC may be included in the CMC reference collection. They may also be part of the library's general education collection.

b. Examples include:

(1) Children's literature indexes and bibliographies

(2) Indexes and reviewing sources of audiovisual media and equipment

(3) Kindergarten through twelfth grade encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauri

(4) Biographical information about authors and illustrators of children's literature

(5) Indexes to educational software

(6) Electronic versions of these resources as they become available, such as indexes on CD-ROM, multimedia encyclopedias, and atlases on microcomputer diskettes.

6. Journals

a. A collection of journals and magazines may be located in the CMC collection, or they may be located in the library's periodicals collection.

b. Journal titles which may be considered for the CMC collection include those listed below in the general and subject specific review sources of Section V. Selection Processes.

7. Non-print materials

a. Audiovisual materials may be acquired for demonstration purposes and to provide resources that students use in lesson preparation.

b. Examples include:

(1) Charts and pictures

(2) Study prints

(3) Photographs and slides

(4) Sound recordings

(5) Multimedia kits

(6) Films, filmstrips, and video cassettes and discs

(7) Simulation games

(8) Transparencies

(9) Manipulatives

(10) Models and realia

(11) Toys.

c. A representative collection of exemplary computer software used in preschool through twelfth grade educational settings, and in adult education when appropriate, may be acquired as part of the CMC collection.

d. Software may represent the following categories:

(1) Computer-assisted instruction such as drill and practice programs, tutorials and simulations

(2) Utility programs such as desktop publishing programs for newsletters

(3) Mini-authoring programs such as those which enable teachers to create their own drill and practice programs.

e. Computer software which is selected should be compatible with hardware generally being used in school systems or educational environments.

f. Appropriate audiovisual hardware should also be located in the immediate area of the CMC, if possible.

g. Inclusion of new and emerging instructional technologies that impact upon educational practices may be incorporated into the CMC when appropriate.

8. Government documents

a. Government publications from the federal, state, and local levels are an authoritative source of information, particularly for educational studies and reports, statistical data, curricular materials and guides, maps, and audiovisual materials.

b. Many academic libraries are either depositories or they collect and integrate documents into the general collection.

c. While government publications may be selectively added to the CMC collection, patrons should be referred to the depository or general library collection for additional governmental information.

9. Teaching units: sample units can be an important part of the CMC because they help teach students how to develop their own teaching units; student-produced units may be collected and labeled as such.

10. Vertical file: pamphlet materials may be collected for instructional purposes, to be used by teachers or students when developing unit/lesson plans, e.g. a pamphlet on first aid, or for professional development, e.g. a pamphlet on tips for creating bulletin boards.

11. Standardized tests

a. Assessment and evaluation materials which directly support education courses are collected selectively, in their original format or microform.

b. Because of the purchase restrictions and secure storage requirements of most test publishers, tests comprise a special collection.

c. Local circumstances and publisher restrictions may dictate limited patron access.

d. Selection decisions may rely heavily on faculty requests. e. The following types of tests may be collected:

(1) Standardized achievement tests which correspond with school curriculum, such as the Stanford Achievement Test, California Achievement Test, and Metropolitan Reading Instructional Test

(2) Tests which enable counselors to work with individuals, such as personality tests, vocational preference tests

(3) Diagnostic tests, particularly in the area of special education, such as Test of Language Development and Burks' Behavior Rating Scale

(4) Miscellaneous tests, such as Test of English as a Foreign Language.

f. Course requirements will determine whether test specimen kits are sufficient to satisfy needs.

g. If courses or clinical experiences require the administration of an instrument, it may be necessary to acquire a complete test kit.

12. Free materials

a. Materials from the government and professional organizations may be excellent sources of free information.

b. While free materials may help supplement the collection, they may be difficult to locate and add.

c. In particular, those from commercial organizations and industry should be critically reviewed before the decision is made whether to add them.

13. Publishers' catalogs

a. Catalogs from education publishers and distributors may be collected selectively.

b. Besides aiding in the acquisition of materials for the CMC, catalogs may be useful to faculty and informative for students.

c. Catalogs are available free in print and increasingly in such electronic formats as microcomputer diskettes and online.


IV. Selection Criteria


A. General Criteria

1. The potential use of materials should be considered on both a current and long-term basis.

2. Materials which are potentially useful in several subjects and grades should have priority over materials for which a low or specialized use is expected.

3. Material should have received favorable reviews in the professional literature of a given subject field or in a standard review source.

4. If budget and space allow, poor instructional materials are also useful in a collection as examples of what not to select or incorporate in a teaching strategy.

B. Sample Specific Criteria

1. Cost: The price of the material relative to the budget and other available material should be reasonable.

2. Curriculum correlation: The material should be useful in meeting curricular objectives.

3. Technical quality: For all media, the relevant technical characteristics such as printing, production, manufacturing, construction, format, and presentation should be good quality.

4. Collection weakness: Consideration should be given to how material fills needs of the clientele in an area of the collection evaluated as weak.

5. Authoritativeness: Consider the reputation and significance of the author/artist/composer/editor; reputation of the publisher/producer/manufacturer; subject competence and qualification of the author(s).

6. Academic level: The content should be at the level appropriate for the intended learners. Media that fit this criterion are to be selected in light of their contribution to providing for student differences in grade and ability level, interests, achievement and background.

7. Educational soundness and recency: The material should be timely in relation to current trends in education. The date of publication and permanence of the item should be considered.

8. Organization: Facts and concepts should be organized in a clear fashion.

9. Ease of use: The material should generally be easy to use as opposed to necessitating specialized training, personnel and space requirements.

10. Learning/teaching styles: The materials should represent a variety of learning and teaching styles.

11. Accuracy of information: Facts should be distinguishable from opinions and accurately presented.

12. Literary values: Literary materials should foster appreciation of literature and aesthetic values.

13. Creativity: The material should encourage self-instruction and provide a stimulus to creativity.

14. Multi-ethnic/cultural: The material should reflect our society of multiple ethnic, racial, religious, social and sexual characteristics. It should represent a variety of economic and geographic orientations, as well as the problems, aspirations, attitudes, and ideals of our society.

15. Controversy: Material should be evaluated as to how it deals with controversial issues and whether there is evidence of bias. Materials which provide opposing sides of controversial issues may help develop the user's critical reading, listening, viewing and thinking skills.

16. Multi-media: Materials should involve all the senses. Collections should be sufficiently broad to meet the needs of the clientele with a variety of media.

17. Efficacy: Materials should be selected because of the content and the value of the work as a whole, and their success in achieving their intended results.


V. Selection Processes


A. Examination of the Item

1. The curriculum librarian should make every effort to examine firsthand the item under consideration.

2. Materials can be examined at conventions, conferences, selection workshops, examination centers, and in other CMCs.

3. Vendors may supply items on an approval basis.

4. Audiovisual and computerized materials, especially, should be examined prior to acquisition.


B. Consultation of Selection Sources

1. The curriculum librarian should seek critical reviews and evaluations to support a selection decision and not rely completely on producers' or authors' statements.

2. There are two types of selection sources:

a. Selection tools: non-evaluative lists of bibliographic information used to identify titles of instructional materials

b. Review sources: repositories of reputable and professional discussions that may provide background information, varying points of view, critiques, and suggestions for use within the classroom for the item in question.

3. Consider the scope of the selection source:

a. What is the selection policy for inclusion? Is only recommended material included?

b. What types or formats of material are included?

c. For what type of library is the material intended?

d. What is the frequency of publication and the speed with which current reviews appear?

e. What is the scope of the guide and how much information is given for each item?

f. How is the information arranged?

g. What is the authority of the contributors to the selection source?


C. Sample Core List of Selection Sources

1. Indexing services

a. Children's Book Review Index (CBRI). Detroit: Gale Research, 1975-. Annual index to reviews of children's and young adult books and periodicals.

b. Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE). Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1969-. Monthly with semiannual and annual cumulations. Indexes articles for developing curricula and articles recommending groups of books. Does not include individual book reviews. Also available online or on CD-ROM from various vendors.

c. Education Index: A Cumulative Author Subject Index to a Selected List of Educational Periodicals and Yearbooks (EI). New York: H.W. Wilson, 1929-. Ten issues per year with annual cumulations. Indexes periodicals that discuss curriculum development as well as teaching activities in all subject areas. Also available online and on CD-ROM.

d. Media Review Digest (MRD). Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1970-. Annual. Index to reviews of non-book materials.

e. Resources in Education (RIE). Washington, D. C. : U. S. Dept. of Education, 1966-. Monthly with cumulative indexes published semiannually. Indexes documents of educational significance. Also available online or on CD- ROM from various vendors.

2. General review sources: periodicals (with indexing source in parentheses)

a. Book Links. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990-. Bimonthly. Articles with bibliographies link trade books to topics in the curriculum.

b. Booklist. Chicago: American Library Association, 1905-. Semimonthly. Review journal. Includes children's and young adult titles, media, and professional materials. (MRD)

c. Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press. 1947-. Monthly. Reviews newly published children's books. (CBRI)

d. Childhood Education. Wheaton, Md.: Association for Childhood Education International, 1924-. Five times per year. Reviews books, films, and videos for children, classroom software, and professional books. (CIJE, EI)

e. Emergency Librarian. Vancouver, British Columbia; Seattle, Wash.: Dyad Services, 1973-. Bimonthly. Reviews trade and professional books, media, and software. (CIJE)

f. Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books. Boston: The Horn Book, 1989-. Biennial. Provides brief reviews of hard cover trade books published in the U.S.

g. The Horn Book Magazine. Boston: Horn Book, Inc.,

1945-. Bimonthly. Provides reviews of children's literature. (CIJE, MRD)

h. Media and Methods: Education Products, Technologies & Programs for Schools & Universities. Philadelphia: American Society of Educators, 1964-. Five times per year. Includes reviews of media, hardware, software, and CD- ROM databases. (CIJE, EI)

i. Multicultural Education. San Francisco: Caddo Gap Press,

1993-. Quarterly. Reviews books, periodicals and other media.

j. School Library Journal. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1954-. Monthly. Includes reviews of books, media, and software. (CIJE, EI)

k. School Library Media Quarterly. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians, 1952-. Quarterly. Includes reviews of professional materials. (CIJE, MRD)

l. Technology & Learning. Dayton, Oh.: Peter Li, Inc., 1980-. Monthly. Includes section on software reviews. Also available online. (CIJE, EI)

m. VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates). Virginia Beach, Va.:Voice of Youth Advocates, 1978-. Bimonthly. Reviews books, films, videos, games, and popular music for grades 6-12. (CIJE)

n. Young Children. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1944- . Six times per year. Includes reviews of professional books, children's books, videos, and recordings. (CIJE, EI)

3. Subject specific review sources: periodicals

a. American Music Teacher. Cincinnati, Oh.: Music Teachers' National Association, 1951-. Bimonthly. Reviews professional titles and music published for exercises or performance. (EI)

b. Appraisal: Science Books for Young People. Boston: Children's Science Book Review Committee, 1967-. Quarterly. Children's and young adult science books. Each title evaluated and rated by a librarian and a subject specialist.

c. Arithmetic Teacher. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1954-. Nine times per year. Reviews computer materials, media, classroom books, and professional materials. (CIJE, MRD)

d. English Journal. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1912-. Monthly. Includes reviews of books for teenagers and resources for teachers. (CIJE)

e. Journal of Reading. Newark, Del.: International Reading Association, 1957-. Eight times per year. Reviews books, software, and classroom materials for young adults and adults, also professional materials. (CIJE, EI, MRD)

f. Language Arts. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1924-. Monthly. Reviews children's books and includes descriptions of curriculum or professional works from NCTE. (CIJE, EI, MRD)

g. Mathematics Teacher. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1908-. Nine issues per year. Reviews books and media from junior high to junior college level and professional reference works. (CIJE, EI)

h. Reading Teacher. Newark, Del.: International Reading Association, 1951-. Frequency varies. Includes reviews of children's and professional literature. (CIJE, EI)

i. Science and Children. Washington, D.C.: National Science Teachers Association, 1963-. Eight times per year. Reviews books, textbooks, and software for pre- kindergarten to eighth grade levels. (CIJE, EI, MRD)

j. Science Books and Films. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1965-. Nine

times per year. Reviews books, media, and software. (MRD)

k. Science Scope. Washington, D.C.: National Science Teachers Association, 1978-. Monthly. Official publication of NSTA for junior high educators. Includes some reviews of curriculum materials.

l. Science Teacher. Washington, D. C.: National Science Teachers Association, 1934-. Monthly. Official publication of NSTA for senior high school educators. Reviews curriculum and professional materials. (CIJE, EI, MRD)

m. Social Education. Arlington, Va.: National Council for the Social Studies, 1927-. Seven times per year. Reviews professional materials. Articles often include bibliographies of print and nonprint materials. (CIJE, MRD)

n. Social Studies and the Young Learner. Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies, 1988-. Quarterly. Reviews professional and children's books and media. (CIJE)

4. General selection sources: monographs/annuals/databases/


a. A/V Online. Newton Lower Falls, Mass.: SilverPlatter Information, Inc., 1985-. CD-ROM database with information on a variety of media. Includes Audiocassette Finder, Film and Video Finder, and Filmstrip and Slide Set Finder. Also available online. Non-evaluative.

b. Audiocassette Finder: A Subject Guide to Education and Literary Materials on Audiocassettes. Medford, N.J.: Plexus Publishing, 1986- . Irregular. Also available online and on CD-ROM. Non-evaluative.

c. The Best: High/Low Books for Reluctant Readers. Marianne Laino Pilla. Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1990. High interest, low vocabulary materials for grades 3-12. Evaluative.

d. The Bookfinder: A Guide to Children's Literature About the Needs and Problems of Youth Aged 2 and Up. Sharon Spredemann Dreyer. Circle Pines, Minn.: American Guidance Service. Volumes 1 to 4 (1977, 1981, 1985, and 1989) describe and categorize children's books according to psychological, behavioral, and developmental topics of concern to children and adolescents. Evaluative.

e. Children's Books in Print. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1969-. Annual. Bibliography of children's books indexed by title, author, and illustrator. Non-evaluative.

f. Children's Catalog. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1909-. Revised every five years with annual supplements. Indexes and annotates basic collection of fiction and nonfiction books for preschool-grade 6. Evaluative.

g. Children's Reference Plus. New York: R.R. Bowker,

1992-. Includes many of Bowker's guides for books, serials, cassettes, and videos for children and young adults. CD- ROM product. Evaluative.

h. Curriculum Materials Digest. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 1989- . Annual. List of curriculum guides displayed at the annual ASCD Conference. Most are available for purchase from the contributors. Non- evaluative.

i. Educators Guide Series. Randolph, Wis.: Educators Progress Services. Provides access to titles of free materials for teachers. Non-evaluative. Titles in this series are:

Educators Grade Guide to Free Teaching Aids. (1955-)

Educators Guide to Free Audio and Video Materials. (1954-)

Educators Guide to Free Films. (1941-)

Educators Guide to Free Filmstrips and Slides. (1949-)

Educators Guide to Free Guidance Materials. (1962-)

Educators Guide to Free Health, Physical Education and Recreation Materials. (1968-)

Educators Guide to Free Home Economics Materials. (1984-)

Educators Guide to Free Science Materials. (1960-)

Educators Guide to Free Social Studies Materials. (1961-)

Educators Index of Free Material. (1934-)

Elementary Teachers Guide to Free Curriculum Materials. (1944-)

Guide to Free Computer Materials. (1983-)

j. El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print: Including Related Teaching Materials K-12. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1969- . Revised yearly. Lists textbooks and serials for K-12. Non- evaluative.

k. The Elementary School Library Collection: A Guide to Books and Other Media. Lauren K. Lee, ed. Williamsport, Penn. : Brodart Co., 1965-. Biennial. Annotates all types of materials for core collections in elementary schools. Evaluative.

l. Film and Video Finder. Albuquerque, N.M.: Access Innovations, 1987-. Annual. Also available online and on CD-ROM as part of A/V Online. Brief notes on content, audience level, length and bibliographical data of educational films and videos. Access by subject or title. Non-evaluative.

m. Filmstrip and Slide Set Finder. Albuquerque, N.M.: Access Innovations, Inc., 1976-. Irregular. Also available online and on CD-ROM as part of A/V Online. Non- evaluative.

n. Guide to Reference Books for School Media Centers. Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1973-. Irregular. Describes more than 2,000 reference works for schools. Evaluative.

o. Horn Book Index, 1924-1989. Serenna F. Day. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1990. Monograph. Cumulative index to Horn Book Magazine. Non-evaluative.

p. Junior High School Library Catalog. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1965- . Revised every five years with annual supplements. Indexes and annotates a basic collection of fiction and nonfiction titles for grades 7-9. Evaluative.

q. Kraus Curriculum Development Library. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1978-. Revised annually. Curriculum guides for grades K-12 on microfiche. Non-evaluative.

r. The Latest and Best of TESS, the Educational Software Selector. Hampton Bays, N.Y.: EPIE Institute, 1983-. Revised periodically, now working towards annual revision. Descriptive bibliography of educational software. Evaluative.

s. Magazines for Children: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Librarians. Selma K. Richardson. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1983- . Revised periodically. Annotated guide to magazines for children to age 14. Identifies magazines which support school curricula. Evaluative.

t. Mental Measurements Yearbook. Jane Close Conoley and Jack J. Kramer, eds. Lincoln, Neb.: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Revised periodically. Includes reviews and descriptions of educational and psychological tests. Also available online. Evaluative.

u. Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults. Kathleen T. Horning and Ginny Moore Kruse. Madison, Wis.: Cooperative Children's Book Center, 1988-. Revised periodically. Annotated bibliography of books dealing with various ethnic groups in the U.S. Evaluative.

v. Only the Best: Annual Guide to Highest-Rated Education Software/Multimedia For Preschool-Grade 12.

Shirley Boes Neill and George W. Neill. Carmichael, Calif.: Education News Service, 1984-. Annual. Reviews educational software. Evaluative.

w. Our Family, Our Friends, Our World: An Annotated Guide to Significant Multicultural Books for Children and Teenagers. Lyn Miller-Lachmann. New Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker, 1992. Bibliography of multicultural and international books in English published in the U.S. and Canada for preschool-grade 12. Evaluative.

x. Senior High School Library Catalog. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1926-. Revised every five years with annual supplements. Indexes and annotates basic collection of fiction and nonfiction books for grades 9-12. Evaluative.

y. TESS. (See The Latest and Best of TESS.)

z. Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education, and Business.

Richard C. Sweetland and Daniel J. Keyser. 3rd ed. Austin, Tex.: Pro-Ed, 1991. Descriptive bibliography of available assessment instruments. Non-evaluative.


5. Subject specific selection sources: monographs/annuals/


a. Brown's Directories of Instructional Programs. Mendham, N.J.: Infinity Impressions, Ltd., 1990-. Annual. Twelve volumes describe textbook series for the major subject areas. Non-evaluative. Titles in this series:

Foreign Language, 7-12

Language Arts, 7-12

Language Arts/Spelling/Handwriting, K-8

Mathematics, K-8

Mathematics, 7-12

Reading, K-8

Science/Health, K-8

Science/Health, 7-12

Social Studies, K-8

Social Studies, 7-12

Technology/Vocational Education, 7-12

Whole Language/Literature, K-8

b. Curriculum Resource Handbooks. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publications, 1992, 1993. First four volumes released in a series of 14 proposed titles. Grades K-12. Mixed evaluative and non-evaluative. Initial titles in this series are:

English as a Second Language Curriculum Resource Handbook

English/Language Arts Curriculum Resource Handbook

Science Curriculum Resource Handbook

Social Studies Curriculum Resource Handbook


VI. Collection Maintenance and Evaluation


A. Weeding

1. Weeding is the removal of materials from the CMC collection for discard or for placement in a storage facility or historical collection.

2. Its primary benefit is the removal of materials which have become obsolete, are in poor condition, or are no longer

relevant to the goals and objectives of the CMC collection and services.

3. Depending on the purpose, criteria which may be followed include:

a. Poor physical condition:

(1) Heavily damaged

(2) Badly worn

(3) Torn, scratched or broken

(4) Deteriorating.

b. Poor content:

(1) Badly written, illustrated or performed

(2) Outdated information

(3) Superseded knowledge

(4) Inaccurate information.

c. Outdated medium

d. Duplicate copy

4. Weeding is a task which may be integrated into other collection development procedures and conducted on a regular basis.

5. Professionally trained and experienced librarians should be involved in any weeding project.

6. Faculty, student and administrative involvement should be sought if weeding is for discard.


B. Replacement

1. Consideration may be given to replacing items lost from the collection, as identified by inventory-taking, patron requests, or otherwise.

2. Items in poor physical condition may also warrant replacement.

3. Criteria which may be followed include:

a. Level of circulation or usage in the CMC

b. Age

c. Pending release of a newer or revised edition

d. Relevance to the current curriculum of the institution.


C. Gifts

1. The institution's library may have an overall gift policy regarding the acceptance, rejection, and handling of gifts.

2. The CMC may also establish its own gift policy and procedures, compatible with those of the main library.

3. Some stipulations in the CMC policy may include:

a. Only gifts which meet selection criteria of the CMC collection development policy will be accepted.

b. Materials with multiple components will be accepted only if complete.

c. Older materials will be accepted if they support the education program in such areas as research into the development and evolution of curriculum materials.


D. Collection Evaluation

1. All collections need periodic evaluation.

2. Collection development policies also need to be regularly evaluated.

3. Regular evaluation of the collection and collection development policy may position the CMC to satisfactorily respond to changes in curriculum and education trends, and to participate in cooperative collection development agreements.

4. An ALA publication, Guide for Written Collection Policy Statements, strongly recommends a conspectus approach to evaluation.

a. The conspectus provides a synopsis of the CMC's collection.

b. It summarizes collection strengths and collecting intensities.

c. It may be arranged by subject, classification scheme, or a combination of both.

d. It applies standardized codes for collection and collecting levels.

e. The conspectus approach is particularly important to use in CMCs whose parent libraries are part of regional resource-sharing consortia.

5. For additional guidelines for the evaluation process consult such sources as:

a. Guide to the Evaluation of Library Collections.

b. Acquisitions Management and Collection Development in Libraries.

c. The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts, Practices, and information Sources.



American Library Association. Code of Ethics. Code adopted June 30, 1981, by ALA Membership and the ALA Council.

. Freedom to Read Statement. Statement adopted June 25, 1953, amended in 1972, by the ALA Council.

. Intellectual Freedom Statement. Statement adopted June 25, 1971, by the ALA Council.

. Library Bill of Rights. Statement adopted June 18, 1948, amended February 2, 1961, June 27, 1967, and January 23, 1980, by the ALA Council.

. Resources and Technical Services Division, Collection Management and Development Committee. Guide for Written Collection Policy Statements. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1989.

. Guide to the Evaluation of Library Collections. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1989.

Association of College and Research Libraries. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. ACRL Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers 1990. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1990.

. Guide for the Development and Management of Test Collections: With Special Emphasis on Academic Settings. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1985.

Donelson, Kenneth, ed. The Student's Right to Read. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1972.

Magrill, Rose Mary and John Corbin. Acquisitions Management and Collection Development in Libraries. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1989.

Shapiro, Beth J. and John Whaley, eds. Selection of Library Materials in Applied and Interdisciplinary Fields. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1987.

Van Orden, Phyllis. The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts, Practices, and Information Sources. Englewood, Col.: Libraries Unlimited, 1988.










Curriculum Library

Collection Development Policy









The Curriculum Library is a unit of the University Library System. The function of the Curriculum Library is to make available for preview, review and analysis a sampling of current, high quality instructional materials for pre-school through grade twelve. Reference, information services and bibliographic instruction integrated with the relevant university courses will be provided. This facility will serve the students and faculty in the division of Education of the School of Education and Human Development. The materials and services will support the university curriculum, graduate research in education and specifically courses leading to Masters degrees in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle School Education, Secondary Education, Reading Education, Special Education and the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program.





The scope of the Curriculum Library is to provide access to contemporary educational resources that support the courses of the division of Education, contribute to research in educational theory, curriculum design and assessment, and foster innovation and change in the field of education.


A. Collection Guidelines

1. Curricular level and subject areas: the Curriculum Library contains educational resources and materials on how to evaluate and utilize them. These resources are appropriate for teaching all subjects in grades K-12 and include materials to meet the unique needs of special education students. They are arranged according to the Library of Congress classification system. Information sources which will diminish ethnocentrism, foster multicultural education and encourage an appreciation of the value of diversity are collected.

2. Languages: the primary language of the material in the collection is English, although resources used to teach foreign languages are included.

3. Chronology: the most current teaching materials available are collected. This collection will be weeded for currency and superseded or out of date materials will be withdrawn. Materials of lasting historical research value or those that illustrate trends in educational philosophy will be transferred to the Bartle library collection.

4. Geographical guidelines: educational methods and materials used in the United States are of primary importance and resources used in local, southern tier of New York schools, are emphasized. Educational resources used in England, Canada and Western Europe are acquired on a very selective basis.






B. Collection Formats

1. Textbooks: textbooks of exemplary quality in all curricular subjects, grades kindergarten through twelve, are collected. Textbooks adopted for use by public schools in the southern tier of New York State, the Broome-Delaware-Tioga BOCES area, will be emphasized. Other textbooks will be collected selectively as funds and donations from textbook publishers permit. College level textbooks are not collected.

2. Curriculum Guides: New York State curriculum guides for subjects taught in kindergarten through twelfth grade are collected. The Kraus Curriculum Development Library provides current curriculum guides on microfiche from all areas of North America.

3. Juvenile Literature: current award winners, honor books and notable books for children and youth are collected. Other examples of literature located in the collection include selected folk literature, mythology and informational books. Access to the holdings of the school libraries in the Broome-Delaware- Tioga BOCES area and schools within the fourteen county area served by the South Central Research Library Council is available through the CD-ROM product Le Pac which is located in the Curriculum Library. These resources are available through Interlibrary Loan.

4. Professional Literature: a core collection of resources related to curriculum design and practical educational theory and which support subjects taught in New York State public schools is maintained. Examples of these resources include methods books and other supplemental print materials, sources about literature for children and youth, how-to books and workbooks. Books about educational research, philosophy and/or the history of education are located in the education collection in the Bartle Library.

5. Reference Collection: the newest editions of selected reference sources, not duplicated elsewhere and which relate to other materials in the Curriculum Library, are collected. For example, the collection includes indexes of literature for children and youth, bibliographies, indexes and reviewing


sources for books, audiovisual materials, and educational software.

6. Journals: a very selective collection of journals is located in the Curriculum Library. Journals not duplicated elsewhere in the library that review children's literature, educational software and/or provide articles about innovative teaching methods are purchased. Backfiles of these journals will be retained for five years in the Curriculum Library.

7. Educational Software: educational computer software programs are not collected. Cooperative arrangements with the Microcomputer Support Service, Division of Educational Communications, of the Broome-Delaware-Tioga Counties BOCES allow students and faculty of the Division of Education of SEHD, access to the services of the Microcomputer Support Service. These services include previewing educational software programs, using the Microcomputer Support Service's laboratory equipment, and attending courses, workshops and vendor demonstrations.

8. Audiovisual Materials: audiovisual materials are collected very selectively. Manipulative materials and realia which support specific courses taught by the division of Education are collected. Cooperative arrangements with the Broome- Delaware-Tioga BOCES allow students and faculty to borrow and/or preview audio-visual resources including films, video recordings and slides.

9. Tests: a sampling of standardized tests used in public schools in the southern tier of New York State, including those used for special education, are collected.

10. Vertical File: pamphlets, ephemeral, miscellaneous and free materials on topics which support specific education courses are collected in the Curriculum Library. They are organized using the Library of Congress Subject Headings.

11. Publishers Catalogs: a file of publishers catalogers for books, textbooks, A-V materials and educational software will be maintained in the Curriculum Library.











J. Murrey Atkins Library

University of North Carolina at Charlotte






A. The purpose of the Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center (CIMC) is to provide a wide variety of high quality instructional materials for inspection, evaluation, and utilization in the implementation of instructional plans. The materials will be appropriate for use with children from preschool age through grade 12. Priority will be given to those materials which directly support the curriculum of the College of Education and Allied Professions and other courses taught outside the College needed to satisfy education degree requirements.


B. The CIMC also serves as a demonstration school library media center for undergraduate and graduate education majors. As such it will include examples of the different types of instructional materials which might be found in an average public school covering grades K-12. It will provide an opportunity for education



majors to become familiar with how a school library media center is organized and how to utilize it to their own advantage.


C. As the CIMC collection expands it will also serve needs of local educators as a previewing and demonstration center.


D. As part of its philosophy of collection development, the CIMC endorses the following statements from the:

1. American Library Association

a. The Bill of Rights

b. Intellectual Freedom Statement

c. Librarians' Code of Ethics

d. Statement on Professional Ethics

e. Freedom to Read Statement (1981)

2. National Council of Teachers of English Students' Right to Read.

3. In the spirit of these documents, reasonable effort will be made to locate materials elsewhere for patrons and to recommend additional sources of information when the CIMC's collection does not provide the needed resources.




A. The service population of the CIMC will consist primarily of education students (graduate and undergraduate), education faculty, and local educators.


B. To borrow materials from the CIMC, the patron must satisfy the requirements for obtaining an Atkins Library borrower's card either as a university related or non-university related patron.


C. Informational needs will be honored, excluding actual loan, whether or not a person has a borrower's card. Anyone may use the


materials in the CIMC and/or have reference questions satisfactorily answered.


D. Although the CIMC does contain materials suitable for children, it is part of an academic library, and as such should be used by education students, teachers and faculty. Children need to be accompanied by an adult.





1. CURRICULAR LEVEL: Preschool through secondary education.


a. Basic curricular subjects (e.g. math, science, reading, language arts) as stated in the North Carolina Competency-based Curriculum Guides issued by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

b. Enrichment and remedial materials for the above subject areas.

c. Subjects not covered in the North Carolina Competency- based Curriculum Guides but taught in the school districts located in the North Carolina Southwest Instructional Region (e.g. psychology, sociology).

d. Interdisciplinary subject areas (e.g. bilingual education, guidance).

e. Materials developed for a specific student population (e.g. learning disabled, gifted, hearing impaired).

3. LANGUAGE: Primarily English language materials. Some foreign language materials will be collected which support the teaching of foreign languages, bilingual education, and English as a Second Language (ESL).

4. CHRONOLOGY: Emphasis will be on collecting materials published in the last decade.


5. GEOGRAPHIC: Order of priority and level of collection

a. North Carolina Southwest Instructional Region (Comprehensive).

b. North Carolina (Comprehensive).

c. United States (Selective).




a. Children's and young adult literature

1. The CIMC will collect books appropriate for preschool children through young adults. Emphasis will be placed on award winning titles, honor and notable books in various subject fields and exemplary titles which support a cross-curricular approach to teaching.

2. A variety of types of literature (e.g. classics, beginning-to-read books, wordless picture books, poetry, folklore, historical fiction) will be included.

3. The collection will include older materials which are 1) still being read by children and used by teachers and 2) have historical and research value.

4. There are materials which could be housed in the CIMC which are also appropriate for undergraduate college students (e.g. young adult literature titles which are also considered adult novels). In certain instances duplication of these materials may be appropriate.

5. Nonfiction materials which support a typical school curriculum preschool through 8th grade will be included.

6. Nonfiction materials appropriate for high school students are similar to those found in an under-

graduate library; therefore, only exceptional materials

which might not be purchased for the Atkins Library General Collection will be collected (e.g. poetry written specifically for the high school student).


b. Children's reference materials: Examples of juvenile encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri and special children's

reference materials which would support a K-8 school curriculum will be collected. Guides, manuals and nonprint media on how to use these materials with children will also be collected.

c. Periodicals

1. The CIMC will collect a variety of juvenile periodicals which support the school curriculum (e.g. Ranger Rick, National Geographic World, 3-2-1 Contact, Cobblestone), as well as some which directly support the teaching of children's literature (e.g. Cricket, Stone Soup).

2. The CIMC will also collect several hands-on, ready- to-use teacher magazines that consist entirely of lessons and activities which can be used directly with students (e.g. Nature Scope, Good Apple, Mailbox).

d. Textbooks: Textbooks adopted by the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction will be comprehensively collected. Other exemplary texts will be selectively collected.

e. Test materials

1. Standardized test materials which support UNCC education courses will be collected.

2. The following types of tests will be collected:

a. Standardized achievement tests which correspond with school curriculum (e.g. Stanford Achievement Test, CAT, Metropolitan Reading Test).

b. Tests which enable counselors to work with individuals (e.g. personality tests, vocational preference tests).

c. Diagnostic tests particularly in the area of special education (e.g. TOLD, Peabody Test, Burk's Behavior Scale).

d. Miscellaneous tests (e.g. Test of English as a Foreign Language).



f. Professional materials

1. Teacher resource materials: Hands-on materials used directly with students by the teacher (e.g. activity books, lesson plan books (teaching units), how-to

books, bulletin board books, duplicating master books, idea books).

2. Curriculum guides: Guides will be collected in both paper and microform formats.

3. Government documents: The CIMC will only collect North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction documents which relate directly to curriculum development and instruction (e.g. North Carolina Teacher Handbook).

4. Vertical files

a. INSTRUCTIONAL: Pamphlet materials which might be used by teachers or students when developing unit plans (e.g. a pamphlet on first aid.)

b. PROFESSIONAL: Pamphlet materials which might help a teacher grow professionally (e.g. pamphlet on tips for creating bulletin boards).

c. NEWSLETTER: Newsletters of national, state, and local professional education organizations.

2. NONPRINT MATERIALS: Computer software, films, filmstrips, slides, transparencies, video cassettes, phonodiscs, audio cassettes, laser discs, compact discs, study prints, games, multimedia kits, realia (e.g. globes, models, manipulatives).

a. The CIMC will collect a variety of nonprint formats for inspection, demonstration, and utilization by preservice and inservice educators. Emphasis will be on the emerging formats (e.g. computer software, video cassettes, laser discs). Exceptional examples of traditional formats (e.g. filmstrips, kits, transparencies, records) will also be collected.

b. MICRO-SOFTWARE: The collection will consist of a variety of educational applications (e.g. computer assisted instruction, computer managed instruction, problem solving, tutorials, utilities). Emphasis will placed on collecting software which is being used in school settings.


3. EQUIPMENT: The CIMC will purchase all necessary equipment to support materials selected for the collection. Emphasis will be on obtaining emerging educational technologies. The Center will endeavor to purchase a wide

variety of equipment in order to provide students with hands on experience with different types of equipment.




A. INTRODUCTION: The selection of materials is a complex process of deciding what materials will be added to a collection. Although the Curriculum Materials Librarian is responsible for the selection of materials to be included in the CIMC, input from other professionals (e.g. the education librarian, education faculty, English faculty, etc.) involved in the areas related to the mission of the CIMC will be encouraged. Reasons for choosing a specific item will be based on an evaluation of the item and its relationship to the CIMC collection. Justification for the choice will be derived from an assessment of its contribution to the fulfillment of the policies and goals of this collection development policy.



1. INTELLECTUAL CONTENT AND PRESENTATION: The basic idea or content of the material and how is it presented.

a. AUTHORITY: Qualifications and abilities of the people responsible for the creation of the work.

b. APPROPRIATENESS OF CONTENT TO USERS: Content should be presented at the user's interest and developmental level.

c. SCOPE: The overall purpose and depth of coverage. Does the scope meet the needs of the collection? Does the material fulfill its purpose?

d. ACCURACY OF INFORMATION: Facts and opinions should be recognizable and impartially presented.


e. PRESENTATION: Style of presentation should be appropriate for the subject matter and use. The sequence and development of content should facilitate the ease with which the information can be understood.

f. LITERARY MERIT: Should apply to nonfiction as well as fiction.

g. INFORMATION AVAILABILITY: The need for materials on a particular topic may at times overshadow other literary criteria.

h. FORMAT: Less expensive formats (e.g. books, filmstrips) may be preferable to more expensive formats (e.g. film) for materials dealing with rapidly changing subjects so replacements can be obtained more economically.

i. SPECIAL FEATURES: Teacher's guides, maps, graphics, glossaries, indexes, bibliographies, etc.

j. VALUE TO COLLECTION: The material should meet the need of the program and/or users. Can the item be used in a variety of ways?

k. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Correlation with North Carolina State Curriculum.

2. PHYSICAL FORMAT: Compatibility of content and format.

a. TECHNICAL QUALITY: Photography, sound, filming technique, color, graphics, etc., should be of good quality and appropriate for the subject matter and audience.

b. AESTHETIC QUALITY: Preference should be give to attractively packaged and aesthetically pleasing materials.

c. SAFETY AND HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS: Of particular importance when selecting realia or tactile materials.


1. Potential number of simultaneous users.

2. Variety of purposes for using the material.

3. Variety of formats for the same work (e.g. video of a book).

4. Ease of use, storage, and maintenance.

5. Equipment needed to utilize the media.

a. Ease of use, maintenance, and service.

b. Reliability of performance.

c. Compatibility with other equipment.



1. INTRODUCTION: When it is not possible to evaluate materials personally the Curriculum Materials Librarian will select materials using a wide variety of evaluation sources. These resources will provide reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared evaluations of the materials in question. The location of at least two (2) positive reviews will be necessary for selection consideration.

2. The following titles are examples of sources which will be consulted when locating reviews:


1. PERIODICALS: Booklist, School Library Journal, Horn Book, Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, Advocate, Book Report, Appraisal.

2. BOOKS: Elementary School Library Collection, Children's Catalog, Senior High School Library Catalog, Bookfinder.


1. GENERAL PERIODICALS: Instructor, Learning, Teaching Pre-K-9.

2. SUBJECT AREA PERIODICALS: Computing Teacher, Science and Children, Language Arts, Social Education.

c. SPECIALIZED LISTS: These are lists published monthly

or annually by professional organizations which list titles

they consider outstanding examples for their subject area.

1. LIBRARY ORGANIZATIONS: Best Books for Children, Notable Books for Young Adults, Notable Films and Videos for Children, Fanfare.

2. EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Teacher's Choices, Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children, Notable Social Studies Books for Children, Only the Best.


D. REQUESTS: Every effort will be made to purchase materials requested by Education Faculty. Requests from students and staff will be evaluated either personally or by using reviewing sources.




A. The CIMC will accept gifts from individuals in accordance with the J. Murrey Atkins Library's gifts policies and procedures.


B. Materials will be accepted only if they:

1. enhance the quality and usefulness of the collection.

2. meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials.

3. are complete and in good physical condition.




A. Maintaining an effective, useful collection is essential to the mission of the CIMC. To successfully maintain a collection several processes must occur on a regular basis.


B. INVENTORY: The CIMC staff will inventory the collection on an annual basis to determine:

1. availability of materials

2. condition of materials

3. accuracy of accession information




a. The CIMC maintains a historical textbook collection. After five years textbooks rotate off the North Carolina State Adoption List. At that time the titles will be evaluated as to their historical and research value. Only the teacher's edition of selected titles will be retained and transferred to the historical textbook collection.



b. CRITERIA: Selection of titles will be determined by their:

1. instructional uniqueness as a textbook or series (e.g. Open Court, Merrill Linguistic Series)

2. completeness of series

3. popularity while adopted (large number of districts/schools adopted it)

4. physical condition

c. Transfer of materials will occur annually as new textbooks arrive.


a. The primary goal of the deselecting of materials is the removal of materials which are obsolete, in poor condition, or no longer relevant to the mission of the CIMC.

b. Decisions concerning withdrawals will be made during the inventory process.

c. CRITERIA: Materials will be removed from the collection if they:

1. are in poor physical condition.

2. contain poor content (outdated information; superseded knowledge).

3. if their format is outdated (migration from 16mm to video cassettes).

4. are duplicates of little used and older titles.

3. REPLACEMENTS: Materials which are physically damaged due to high usage will be replaced as quickly as possible.




1. In order for the collection to maintain its usefulness it must be continually evaluated to determine whether it is responsive to changes in the education curriculum and the needs of students and faculty.


a. Annual statistical information concerning the circulation of materials by subject area and collection size.


b. Comparison of collection holdings to standard lists, catalogs, and bibliographies (e.g. Elementary School Library Collection, Only the Best)

c. Collection Mapping





1. In this day and age of conservative budgets and limited resources, it is apparent that the CIMC collection will not be able to meet all the needs of every patron. To offset this lack of resources the CIMC will assist the patron in locating materials not owned by the CIMC through the use of local area networks.

2. The following resources are available for locating materials outside the CIMC:


b. direct access to Public Libraries of Charlotte Mecklenberg's public catalog

3. Arrangements have also been made for students and faculty to use and borrow materials from the following:

a. Public Libraries of Charlotte Mecklenberg

b. Charlotte Mecklenberg Public School's Staff Development Center

c. Individual schools with the Charlotte Mecklenberg Public School System.


B. INTER-LIBRARY LOAN: Because of limited resources and constant demand CIMC materials will not be available for inter-library loan purposes even though J. Murrey Atkins Library is a supplier on the system.


C. NETWORKS: With the advent of telecommunications, new methods of research and communications have become available for use in the classroom. To provide hands-on experiences for students and faculty, the CIMC will subscribe to a variety of on-line databases and educational bulletin boards such as FrEDMail, Prodigy, Space Link, and Special Net.