Use of Project Stipends

“Visions of the Universe: Four Centuries of Discovery” Site Support Notebook

The “Visions of the Universe” project will award two project stipends to libraries selected for the tour: $250 for materials for the library’s permanent collections, and $500 to support programs related to the exhibit. The stipends will arrive as one check for $750 to the library from the American Library Association.

The $250 materials stipend may be used only for acquisition of books, magazine subscriptions, CDs, DVDs, laminated posters, educational computer games, or other printed or audiovisual educational materials directly related to the International Year of Astronomy and the themes of the exhibit. Please consult the ALA Public Programs Office if you are in doubt about certain materials.

The $500 programming stipend may be used for: speaker honoraria and travel expenses, publicity expenses, postage, printing, photocopying, telephone costs, film rental, travel expenses for groups visiting the library (e.g., van rental). Please consult the ALA Public Programs Office if you have questions about particular expenditures.

The funder and sponsors prefer that the program stipend not be used for costs associated with social events, such as refreshments, decorations, costumes, etc. Funds may not be applied to the purchase of equipment that will be used for purposes other than astronomy and space science programming in the library on a permanent basis.